Got 5? We'll Give You $10
Open a personal checking account online in as little as five minutes
and we'll deposit $10 into your new account.

Say 'Yes' to Paperless
Make the switch to online eStatements today.
It's easy, safe, and more secure.
Helpful tools just for you

Treasury Management Conversion
Your conversion to First Security Bank's Insight Treasury platform is scheduled for Monday, July 22, 2024. Please use this link for conversion support and to make the most of your Treasury Management services.

Welcome Former RMB Customers
Your local branch is now locally owned. Starting today, you’ll benefit from local decision-making and support as a customer of First Security Bank, Division of Glacier Bank.

Totally Free Checking
Accounts that fit your lifestyle! From FREE, to Easy Interest or 50+, we have the checking account that's right for you--and your business!
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Local Business Solutions
At First Security Bank, we focus on helping local businesses thrive in our community. From Commercial Loans, to Lines of Credit and Overdraft Protection, find out how we can help your business grow. Contact one of our lenders today.
Less Paperwork In Your Life?
Switching to eStatements is an easy way to help reduce paper waste. They’re free, secure, convenient and won’t find their way into a landfill. Plus, eStatements can be accessed anytime day or night, days before a paper statement would arrive in your mail.
Financial Foundations
To promote lifelong financial literacy for our customers, we've teamed with the experts at Everfi to offer a brief, yet powerful interactive learning experience we call Financial Foundations.
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Latest News & Events
Check back here often for the latest bank news and local events.